A - Parent - Washington State
Eight years ago these three enriched and changed my life. Little did I know that I would be embarking on a journey to learn and understand an invisible disability called FASD. FASD stands for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. This means that the brain and other parts of a developing fetus have been damaged permanently by alcohol before they were even born. The effects can be mild to severe and include difficulty with math, social skills, emotional regulation, reading and writing as well as dysmaturity (typically being half their biological age) My beautiful three have Static Encephalopathy which means they have permanent damage to their brains. Everyday brings new challenges as we master old ones and relearn past ones. Having children with FASD affects the entire family as we navigate this disorder and provide supports and modifications to build successful growth. It is not an easy journey and the need for society to be informed is critical- from teachers to doctors to the prison system. Our children did not choose this path but desperately need your help and understanding. Please join the movement.